
In partnership with Al Jazirah Ford International Designer Hama Yassen Launches her latest collection at the International Riyadh Fashion Week

Al Jazeera Ford partnered with the international fashion designer Hama Yassen to launch an exclusive fashion show as part of the International Modest Fashion Week at Al Faisaliah Hotel in Riyadh under the slogan Juzoor (Roots) for the Future

The fashion show included innovative designs that focus on the values of self-confidence, power and elegance, which are in line with the values offered by Ford, especially the Territory class, which is considered the most elegant and attractive for women based on the impressions of a wide segment of customers locally and internationally

Hama worked diligently within a distinguished team that includes skilled tailors and craftsmen, in addition to hardworking women to offer this premium collection. Also Hama sourced selective and finest types cloth and material from Istanbul, Milan and Dubai to offer distinct suits that are designed to give elegance, exclusivity, comfort and happiness to ladies wearing them!

Commenting on the features of this collection, designer Hama Yassen commented: “The most prominent feature of the collection is that it provides practical and elegant clothes as they include detachable elements that can be added and removed easily on the outfit to make them a very practical garment in the morning and an elegant chic dress suitable for the evenings at the same time,” she added, “I have shared these designs with a close group of working women and business leaders, and the reactions were very promising and encouraging to continue and focus on this type of clothing.”

The Modest Fashion Week is a global event held in Riyadh for the first time after seven editions in London, Dubai, Istanbul, Amsterdam and Jakarta that have been launched since 2015. Riyadh is hosting the 8th edition of this global week to introduce designers from more than 40 countries around the world in partnership with Khood Fashion Platform along with global and regional partnerships

Hama Yassen is a professional fashion designer who started her fashion career by enrolling at Instituto di Moda: Burgo School of Fashion in Milan to combine her talent for drawing and design with the world’s leading experiences in the fashion industry. Hama launched a platform to support the designers community as they establish and develop their brands through an online multi-brand store. She also established Khood Academy, a specialized academy to provide children with fashion design skills in an interesting and interactive manner. Hama focuses on fashion for today’s active women to outshine at: home, work and social gatherings

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